Friday, June 19, 2009

Quick thoughts

My recent trip to Canada with my bro djtrainwreckx is still churning through my mind. There was a lot to see and much to think about. Then I got back to work. There was a lot less to see and a whole lot to stew about, but nothing all that healthy to linger on. I felt like Gundam Wing 01 going to town on a bunch of Leos from Monday to Wednesday.

Here are two quick secondary thoughts:

1. I finally understand Maya Sakamoto's song Twenty-four from "Hotchpotch". The first time, I didn't focus too hard on this track, because Maya was still muddling from middle Engrish to English. She's good now, but was rougher back then. Not that I can say too much, her English is about 10 to the 7th times better than my Nihon-not-go.

Anyway, the "twenty-four" simply refers to the same midnight in the second line.

See what happened to the girl
'Round the midnight
When she lost a crystal shoe
I don't need to spell on me
Or bell to tell me
You'd better go, you'd better say good-bye...

Too bad she gave it all away
When the magic's gone astray, hey hey
I'd never let it be
Whatever may come to me
When it turns to be twenty-four

I think that "twenty-four" may also refer to turning twenty-four years old in a youth obsessed culture, but a first-order analysis points toward the twenty-fourth hour that caps off a calendar day. Quebec goes by a 24 hour clock, so the pieces fit on the Monday after the trip.

2. After hanging out with a laid-back, awesome Polish woman, that brings up the number of fun Polish woman up to 2 out of three. I may be developing an unenlightened fetish here.

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