Sunday, April 26, 2009

Through Time & Space: Back off Hollywood!

I used to have a neutral opinion of remakes, but enough is enough. Though there is some laughter for this overblown tribute to Goku, the sentiment is heartfelt. The black clad French fan laments "Plus jamais simple! Plus jamais simple!, which I would render as "it's never simple anymore!" This afront is accompanied by Zac Efron in Full Metal Panic! and the darkening of G.I. Joe.

Fans Lament the passing of Goku.

At some point, the remakes included an element of flattery. The remake had the potential to add to the original legend and re-energize the fanbase. The trend is clearly away from taking risks or creation to sacking the intent and energy of the originals. I think that it's time to take a stand against this wave. The trouble is that there are still spots of quality in the flood of crap and where to make the stand, but a stand must be made.

Full disclosure: I have not seen Dragonball: Evolution, but have been warned against it. I also plan to watch the Evangelion: Reboot series.

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