Sunday, May 24, 2009

7/7 & 13: The Crush from the Crushing Loneliness

The root of Haruh's pathology came from the diminishing moment during the game at the Hanshin Tiger's stadium.To be so insignificant and regular crushed her psyche. Carrying these feelings, Haruhi snuck out of her house and into the middle school to leave the simple message: "I am Here". She needed affirmation of her existence, then met John Smith, a high schooler who helped her (abet not quite willingly and with a lot of hollering) and gave her hope that
  • he guessed that Aliens were real.
  • he wouldn'd be surprised if Time Travelers also existed
  • and that psychics were everywhere.
  • Most importantly that there was someone at North High who believed.
John Smith brought her from those depths and let her know that she was there. That is what he meant to the thirteen year old Suzumiya Haruhi on July 7th.

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